Trigegr Gitlab CI/CD via API call
This lab makes use of Gitlab CI to configure firewall on VyOS
Step 1 - Setup playbook & inventory file
Step 2 - Trigger playbook locally by giving values during runtime and test
ansible-playbook -i ../inventory -e "address=" -e "dst_port=8081" -e "protocol=udp" -e "fw_action=reject" vyos-firewall-demo2.yml -l
Step 3 - Update Gitlab CI config. Look for config of this project itself
Step 4 - Create Gitlab CI/CD trigger token
To create a trigger token:
- On the top bar, select Menu > Projects and find your project.
- On the left sidebar, select Settings > CI/CD. Expand Pipeline triggers. Enter a description and select Add trigger. You can view and copy the full token for all triggers you have created. You can only see the first 4 characters for tokens created by other project members.
Detailed documentation about trigger tokens here.
Step 5 - Install jq
Install jq on your server to make parsing json easy in command line
sudo apt install -y jq
Step 6 - Trigger job via API call using curl on your Server
Remember to update values which are inside < >
curl -s --request POST --form token=<token> --form ref=<branch> --form "variables[job]=vyos_fw" --form "variables[dst_port]=<Destination PORT value here>" --form "variables[protocol]=<Protocol here>" --form "variables[address]=<address here>" --form "variables[fw_action]=<ACTION here>" "<PROJECT ID HERE>/trigger/pipeline" | jq .
Here’s a sample with filled in values
curl -s --request POST --form token=glptt-aa445351f72e0dgerg1817c9019fefb1b55d --form ref=master --form "variables[job]=vyos_fw" --form "variables[dst_port]=8081" --form "variables[protocol]=tcp" --form "variables[address]=" --form "variables[fw_action]=accept" "" | jq .